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I am eternally grateful to all the gracious people who have accompanied me in the pursuit of the study of Alor textiles. I struck a friendship with Ms. Yulianti Peni from the Museum 1000 Moko in Kalabahi, Alor Regency's capital. Ms. Peni is a true ambassador for her island's cultures. She first contacted me about co-authoring an English version of her article on Umapura textiles, and the fruit of our efforts was published in the May 2020 issue of Textiles Asia.

Ms. Peni then enlisted me to write a catalog about the museum's textile collection, the national government had approved a budget for this project. I returned to Alor Regency to survey textile-producing areas in Alor Island and smaller, neighboring isles. I thank Ms. Peni's husband, Mr. Julius Aleleng, for accompanying us due to his invaluable relationships with the communities. Ms. Peni interpreted for me when my Indonesian language skills were too weak and when she was not already occupied with her own research. She is close friends with many weavers through her position at the museum and her love of textiles. They, along with their daughters, made me part of their family, and I am eternally grateful.

Weavers, such as Ms. Sahari Kamarin, head of the Pante Laut Weaving Cooperative, and village and community leaders across Alor did not hesitate to share their knowledge with us and inviting us to participate and observe ceremonies. My apologies to anyone I have not named specifically here. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate all the information and answers to questions that friends, including Aja Bordeville, Peter ten Hoopen, and Kinga Lauren, shared with me.

The covid19 pandemic has delayed continuing research in Pantar Island. This is an ongoing project and will be updated accordingly. Any mistake is my own omission.


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