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Writings on Alor

Surprisingly, we find little written about the textiles of Alor. Research has focused on discovering mention of the regency's islands in historical records and the recording of oral histories. The latest studies have documented the 25+ languages and dialects spoken in Alor. Emilie Wellfelt explored the use of giant milkweed fiber as to produce thread in Umapura Village, Ternate Island, Northwest Alor, but, unfortunately for textile researchers, did not delve into the details of the types of textiles produced by the Alurung group who compose Umapura’s population. Below, we provide a list of some of the publications about Alor Regency. Note, it is not an exhaustive list. You can find most of these online. We will follow-up with a list of publications mentioning the textiles of Alor next.

Barnes, Ruth. Ostindonesian im 20. Jahrhundert. Auf den Spuren der Sammlung Ernst Vatter. Frankfurt: Museum der Weltkulturen, 2004.

Du Bois, Cora. The People of Alor, a Social-psychological Study of an East Indian Island. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1944.

Gomang, Syarifuddin R. “The People of Alor and their Alliances in Eastern Indonesia: a study of Political Sociology.” Master of Arts (Hons) thesis, Department of Sociology, Wollongong University, 1993.

Hamilton, Roy W. “Textiles and Identity in Eastern Indonesia.” In Five Centuries of Indonesian Textiles, edited by Ruth Barnes and Mary Hunt Kahlenberg. New York: Prestel, 2010, 300-313.

Hägerdal, Hans. “Cannibals and Peddlers.” Indonesia and the Malay World 38:111 (2010), 217-246.

Hägerdal, Hans. “Van Galen’s memorandum on the Alor Islands in 1946. An annotated translation with an introduction. Part 2.” HumaNetten 27 (2011), 53-96.

Klamer, Marian. A Short Grammar of Alorese (Austronesian). Munich: Lincom Europa, 2011.

Klamer, Marian. “Papuan‐Austronesian language contact: Alorese from an Areal Perspective,” In Melanesian languages on the edge of Asia: Challenges for the 21st century. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 5, edited by Nicholas Evans and Marian Klamer. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2012, 72–108.

Lynden, D.W.C. Baron van. “Bijdrage tot de Kennis van Solor, Allor, Roti, Savoe en Omliggende Eilanden Getroken uit een verslag van Residentie Timor.” In Natuurkudig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie (NTNI) 2 (1851), 317-336, 388-414.

Majis, Brigitte Khan. Indonesian Textile Tradition in the Course of Time. Hildesheim: Roemer-Museum, 1991.

Peni, Yulianti, and Linda S. McIntosh. “Rarely-Documented Textiles: Tenapi of Umapura Village, Ternate Isle, Alor Regency, Indonesia.” Textiles Asia 12:1 (May 2020), 6-14.

Rema Nyoman, and Hedwi Prihatmoko, “Potensi Arkeologi di Pulau Alor (Archaeological Potentials in Alor Island),” Kalpataru Majalah Arkeologi 25:2 (November 2016), 103-116.

Rodemeier, Susanne. Tutu kadire in Pandai - Munaseli. Erzahlen und Erinnern auf der vergessenen Insel Pantar (Ostindonesien). Berlin: Lit-Verlagm, 2006.

Rodemeier, Susanne. “Islam in the Protestant Environment of Alor and Pantar Islands.” Indonesia and the Malay World 38:110 (2010), 27-42.

Wellfelt, Emilie. "The Secrets of Alorese ‘Silk’ yarn: Kolon susu, triangle trade and underwater women in Eastern Indonesia." In Textile Society of America 14th Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating New Futures. Los Angeles, 10-14 September 2014.

Wellfelt, Emilie. “Historyscapes in Alor: Approaching indigenous history in Eastern Indonesia.” PhD dissertation, Linnaeus University, 2016.


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